More than 5 million workers in the United States are hurt every year on the job, according to a recent report from OSHA. Of those injured workers, half of those injuries and illnesses forced workers to take off more than a week from work. For many, that means five days without any pay for them and their families. As a Philadelphia injury lawyer that has helped many families over the last 25 years, I understand the financial and emotional strain it can put on the entire family. That’s why no fee is owed to us unless we recover money on your behalf.
When someone contacts my office here in Northeast Philadelphia to discuss their workplace injury, they often wonder if the doctor bills and out-of-pocket expenses for their unique injury would be grounds to pursue legal action. Every case is so different that I can’t provide a blanket answer right away. Most workplace injuries are not catastrophic career-ending injuries, but are ones that still cause pain and suffering for years to come.
You might be surprised to know that according to the US Department of Labor-Bureau of Labor Statistics more than 340,000 cases in 2011 reported were from sprains, strains and muscle tears. Specifically, you’ll find more than 180,000 workplace injuries were to the worker’s back and 225,500 cases involved falls, slips and trips. That’s just a small sample of all the workplace cases reported to the Department of Labor based upon the most accurate information available.
Workers get hurt on the job every day around the country, whether they are employees of the business, or doing work for a contractor or even a sub-contractor on a job site. If you’re not receiving the assistance you feel you and your family deserve, I’m here to listen. In the midst of all the confusion about trying to pay your bills and get to doctors appointments and wondering about what’s next, we can help answer the many questions that you might have.
As a Philadelphia Injury lawyer I have had the pleasure of helping injured workers around Philadelphia fight for the compensation they and their family deserve. You need a trusted ally on your side to help lift yourself back up.